Monday, September 21, 2009

Stephen and Matthew Huffman's 1st Birthday - 9/19/09

One year ago Stephen and Mattehew came into this world at only 1lb. 6oz and 1lb. 7oz.!  They were only 24 weeks along - born 16 weeks early!  They were so tiny and fragile - they spent nearly 3 months in the NICU at Memorial before being able to go home.  Looking at them now and thinking back, it doesn't seem possible that they are already 1 year old!  They are not quite developed to where a full-term 1 year old would be, but they are learning and growing every day.  They are just the cutest little boys ever!

Since they were born on "International Speak Like a Pirate Day" their parents went all out with a Pirate Themed party!  I have to apologize to Dana for going overboard on the cake. (no pun intended)  She ordered a gorgeous pirate ship cake from Publix (she'd been dying to order the cake for years!) but was afraid that there wouldn't be enough so asked if I would make an extra one.  I was just supposed to make a plain chocolate cake with chocolate frosting....but I couldn't help myself.  So, I'm sorry.  I promise to follow directions better next time!

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