Monday, September 14, 2009

Wilton Cake Decorating, Course 4 final cake - 7/1/08

This was the final cake of the final Wilton class...four long months of making cakes and learing all kinds of new stuff - I had a blast!  But I'm glad to have my Tuesday nights back!
This again was fondant and gumpaste.  I didn't intend for it to, but it kind of turned out to look like a hat!


AndieJ said...

I love this! ~Yes, it does look like a beautiful spring hat. Were the classes expensive?

Alison said...

I think they were about $40 each and some of them there was a special running so I didn't have to pay full price. I guess it depends on where you take the classes. In Savannah they are offered at Michael's and AC Moore.