These fabulous little wedding cakes are actually "cake balls" - a concept I found from Bakerella You bake a cake, pulvarize it to crumbs, mix it with frosting and shape the "dough" into shapes, then dunk into melted chocolate. The technique was a little harder than I thought, but they turned out ok! These were the favors for Marie's Bridal Shower.
For Goodness Sakes, Look At Those Cakes
5 years ago
How did you dip. I have tried to dip and it isn't as easy as I thought it would be. I also tried pouring the chocolate over them, but they ended up sticking to the rack. I have a bridal shower coming up in a few weeks and I want them to look nice.
These things were a total pain to dip. I dipped the bottom "layer" of the "cake" let it set and then dipped the top two "layers". if I did them again I think I would put skewers or sucker sticks in the bottom to make the dipping easier and then just remove them when done.
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